Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Tidbits - Library Blues

So on Sunday (March 4), my son and I took a trip to the library to check out some books and I decided to see if they allowed e-pub check outs.  The good news: they do.  The bad news: there's waiting lists for most of the books I wanted.  Boo.

One of the books he and I both wanted was The Hunger Games.  Of course, it's checked out and has a waiting list both for e-pub and in the libraries.  Go figure.

I may just have to go buy the books now.  Tired of waiting to acquire it.

However, while I was at the library, I checked out the first three books in The Hallows/Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison as well as the book Retribution by Sherrilyn Kenyon.  So I have plenty of new to read for the next two weeks or so.

Happy reading.