Sunday, January 6, 2013

Site Updates and More

As you can tell (maybe), I updated the left hand column a bit to include one of the goals not mentioned the other day.

Goodreads has a reading challenge set up.  A former co-worker and friend posted that she was doing a 100 book challenge.  Several other friends have posted 60-80 book challenges.  I decided, what the hell, I'll do the 100 book challenge too.  The bigger challenge will be logging into Goodreads every time I read a book and mark them read and the date they were read.

The widget on the left should update and show where I'm at on the challenge.

So far I've completed two books and am on the way on book 3.  Wish me luck!

I also added stuff for Google +, random quotes from Goodread and latest activity on Goodread.  So I'll definitely try to keep up to date on it.

I've also installed the GoodReads app on my phone. I'll let everyone know how that works later on.
