Monday, March 5, 2012

Musing Mondays - March 5, 2012 Edition

Today's Musing Monday's question, by Should Be Reading's blog, is "When you walk into a bookstore — any bookstore — what’s the first section you head toward (what draws you)?"

Well, if you asked my husband where I go to in a bookstore first, he'd prolly say the romance novel section - which is inaccurate.  I visit that second.  The first area I end up at is normally Sci-Fi/Fantasy sections where I can get my fill of fiction goodness.  This is where, as a young adult, I was introduced to Raymond E. Feist, Piers Anthony, J.R.R. Tolkein, Terry Goodkind among many others.  My love for fantastical-sci-fi worlds started at a young age.  After all, by the end of 8th grade I had read The Hobbit and the complete Lord of the Rings Trilogy and by high school I had started in on the Similarion (sp?).

My husband introduced me to works by other authors, including David and Leigh Eddings, Glen Cook and several others.

And while I do like romance novels because they are generally easy to read, I really do enjoy books set in a world of the authors creation that take you to a different time and place.

How about you?